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Treatment being used successfully

Ivermectin is a safe, well-tested and inexpensive oral medication.

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Dr Tess Lawrie.


Click the image to see the video message that she sent to Matt Hancock.

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Chris Whitty is an expert on Ivermectin and knows its value.  See below.


Why has he stayed silent?

By one analysis, 33 studies so far – involving 10,136 patients – collectively reported positive outcomes in 85 percent of people. There were fewer infections among frontline workers and COVID families; quicker recovery in early and late infection, and lower mortality rates. At least three other meta-analyses have reported similar, statistically significant improvement across disease stages.

The video message (above) to the UK Prime Minister from Dr. Tess Lawrie. She is director of the Evidence Based Medicine Consultancy in Bath. Her business conducts industry independent medical evidence synthesis to support international clinical practice guidelines. Her biggest clients are the NHS and the WHO. She has recently authored a report called, 'Ivermectin for preventing and treating Covid-19'. 






By any yardstick, ivermectin is not an experimental drug. Since the 1980s, billions of doses have been given worldwide in ongoing programs to control parasites. In Africa, for example, 99 million people were treated in 2012 alone; in many African countries, not coincidentally, COVID rates are markedly lower.


Here is the story of an 80-year-old Buffalo woman with COVID whose feisty, take-no-prisoners family took a hospital to court over ivermectin. Such is the state of COVID care in America.

The woman, Judith Smentkiewicz, was on a ventilator when her loved ones were told she’d likely spend another month in the ICU, where they gave her a 20 percent chance of survival. This is the modus operandi of COVID among the elderly and infirm: prolonged, expensive and often fruitless late-stage care.

So the family did some research on behalf of this active octogenarian who drives, lives independently and works five days a week cleaning houses. They went online. They read about studies of ivermectin’s success. They pressed an ICU doctor to give it, and, on day 12 of infection, he did.

Within 48 hours of a single dose, Mrs. Smentkiewicz had improved so much that, like a Florida woman in my first ivermectin article, she was moved out of critical care.

The hitch? Doctors on the new unit declined to continue ivermectin even as the woman’s condition declined. The drug is not approved for COVID, they told her family. The family went to court. The hospital fiercely objected. Mrs. Smenkiewicz’s personal physician for 20 years was called in.

“We reviewed the limited studies on the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 and recommend  she receive 15 mg orally Day 1, Day 3 and Day 5,” wrote Dr. Stephen Scravani in a letter to the court. The judge ordered the treatment resumed.

As a result, Mrs. Smentkiewicz is to be released to a rehabilitation facility shortly. “It is a miracle from where she was,” the family’s attorney, Ralph Lorigo, told me.


Click here for the full article



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